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Speak Positive Sunday~Message 32

Hello Inspirers! I hope that all is well with you all.  As we enter into a new week, I have been trying to maintain my focus and work on the tasks I need to complete in order to continue to strive towards my goals.  With this busy time, I have to have a way to give my mind a break.  One of the ways I do that is I still play games on my phone and tablet.  Though at times the games seem to become more of a job or course if you are playing with others on a team or an alliance, so I have to step back at times from them as well. There is one game that I love playing and our alliance is like a family and we are very interactive, even if I do not talk as much as some, but I do enjoy playing the game because of how close we seem even though we do not know each other in person and in different states even other countries.  Recently, one of our leaders started a 20 questions section for us to get to know each other more, and one of the questions was “What is the biggest mistake in your life so far and what did you learn from it?”

So, I am going to discuss that today for our topic.  We all make mistakes, whether past or present, we will even in the future.  It is inevitable.  The question is how you view your mistakes and what have you learned.  Do you regret the mistakes you made? When I was younger, my answer would always be ‘yes’ and if I could go back and change it I definitely would.  As I got older and wiser, my answer has become ‘each mistake has been a lesson, and every lesson has allowed me to grow.”

What is the biggest mistake I have made in my life so far?  My answer was “The biggest mistake I have made in my life was staying loyal to people who were not loyal to me and placing their needs and dreams above mine.”  What did I learn? “I learned to focus on myself and my daughter, help others when I can, and cutting off all the fakes”.

As I was writing my answer to the question that night, I flashed back to each and every time I made that mistake. I thought about the years and time I wasted.  I could have been further in my goals if I did not focus on them, but they were my lessons. I no longer waste my time with people/situations that are not meaningful, are stressful, are one sided, or just plain negative.  Sometimes it is hard to leave, but I value my peace more than anything nowadays and I have a daughter looking up to me for guidance.  

I will be honest and say I do regret some of my mistakes that I have made, and yes if giving the opportunity to go back and do it differently I still would, but then I ask myself if I did that would it help me become the person I am today.

Mistakes are unavoidable.  It is how you respond to those mistakes that will either set you on the path of growth or keep you making the same mistakes over and over again.

“It’s not how me make mistakes, but how we correct them that defines us.” ~Rachel Wolchin

“There are no mistakes or failures, only lessons.” ~Denis Waitley

Prayer/Positive Thoughts

We are grateful for the lessons we have learned from the mistakes we have mad in our lives.  We know that our mistakes do not define us but are a tool for us to use to grow into our purpose.  If there are any mistakes that we are holding on that is causing us to be at a standstill, we ask that you help us let them go and learn to grow from them.   

I pray that you all continue to be well and safe, and sending you all many blessings and positivity.


Randa B.

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