Speak Positive Sunday-Message 22

Hello Everyone! Welcome back to Speak Positive Sunday and the first one of the new year.  I know the year is still fresh, but I want to check in on everyone and their goals.  How is the progress going? Are they set? Have you started working towards them? I am looking forward to more opportunities for growth in all areas […]

Lovin’ My Leena Post 1

So I introduced you all to my baby girl a few months ago. Now it’s time for an update. She continues to bring me the most joy in my life with her growth, strength, determination, and personality. She also continues to teach me patience. I officially have a 22 month old. I cannot believe that in a month and a […]

The Beginning

Have you ever been there? Where you let yourself go. You stopped focusing on yourself. You let everything/everyone else become more important that you. Well that was me for most of 2017. Let me start from the beginning. In Summer 2016 I decided to begin my weight loss journey. Almost two months into the journey, I found out I was […]

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