Speak Positive Sunday-Message 22
Hello Everyone! Welcome back to Speak Positive Sunday and the first one of the new year. I know the year is still fresh, but I want to check in on everyone and their goals. How is the progress going? Are they set? Have you started working towards them?
I am looking forward to more opportunities for growth in all areas of my life. I started off this year with growth quotes because I want to encourage everyone to make growth a focus.
It is important for us to remember that growth is continuous. It never stops while we are here on earth. All of the quotes are my favorite, and I will focus on two for this message.
“Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle.” ~Napoleon Hill
You gain strength through growth. Growth comes from struggle. You have to keep striving to reach your purpose.
“People are like dirt. They can either nourish you and help you grow as a person or they can stunt your growth and make you wilt and die.” ~Plato
Your circle helps you grow. You have to be careful of the people you let in your circle. People will either help you become who you are meant to be, and you help them as well, or they will stop you from growing and take you away from your purpose.
Prayer/Positive Thoughts
Thank you for the fresh start in the new year. Let us focus on growth and our purpose. Fill our lives with people who will help us grow and we help them grow. Let us remember that our struggles will help us grow into who we are meant to be.
May you all have a blessed week! Let’s all grow in 2020!