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Updates for February 2019

February started off with us (my little one and me) being ill, so I had to push back a few things I was working on.  Now we’re on the mend and I am playing catch up lol.  So far this weather has been up and down here-winter one day, spring the next.  Thankfully there was no ice or snow on the day we celebrated Leena’s second birthday.  She really enjoyed herself. I will have pictures when I write about our adventures.  We have one more planned this month, which is the Friends of the Library Book Sale.  I am so excited.  I feel you can never have to many books, however my mom disagrees lol. 

What’s New?

I’m going to be doing a little updating on my site with posts, affiliate links, and photos.  I have started the process of being an Amazon affiliate.  I have added reviewing books on the blog, and I am excited about the two books I will be doing this month related to love.

How’s it going on Social Media?


Goal: 125 Followers: 120 Likes: 116 Goal: Same


Goal: 1400 Followers: 1464 Goal Met!! New Goal: 1500


Goal: 50 Followers: 68 Monthly viewers: 6.3k (Wow!!) Goal: 75


Goal: 40 Subscribers: 34 Goal: Same


Goal: 200 Followers: 168 New Goal: Same

Planned Posts:

  • Lovin’ My Leena
  • Recap of Quotes (weekly)
  • Book Reviews
  • And More if time allows

Thank you all for your continued support.  I am constantly striving to evolve and grow on this journey.  Until next update, remember to Be Positive. Be Blessed. Be a Blessing.

Randa B.

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