Speak Positive Sunday~Message 21
Hello Everyone! It is another start to a new week and another opportunity to spread positivity and bless someone.
We are going to continue talking about goals. Did you think about one goal that you set this year? Did you celebrate if you accomplished it? If you did not accomplish that goal, did you re-evaluate ways to accomplish it this year?
Most of us have heard of the SMART goal technique. We may have used the technique or incorporated it in a way to set and fulfill our goals:
Specific: Define your goal and describe it as narrow as you can.
Measurable: Set a way to track your goal.
Achievable: Make the goal within your capabilities. It can be a challenging goal, yet it needs to be achievable.
Realistic: The goal should be relevant to your overall purpose.
Time: Set a time frame you want to complete your goal.
You can research on Google, books, and other resources for templates to assist with this technique. If you have your own technique you can use this with it as well. Some templates have different words for the letters, but the purpose is still the same.
Prayer/Positive Thoughts
I pray that we continue to take the time to reflect on our goals and plan for our next accomplishments. Let us align our goals with our purpose that we may fully live and be our best selves and help others.
May you all have a blessed week!