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Speak Positive Sunday-Message 17

Morning Inspirers! Welcome back to Speak Positive Sunday.  It is a new month and another opportunity to be an inspiration to others. 

This month the topics will focus on thankfulness.  Each Sunday I will be sharing what I am thankful for.  I want to also hear what you all are thankful for.  Feel free to comment on any Speak Positive Sunday post. 

I know that we should show gratitude everyday of our lives, but most of us really focus and reflect during this time of year.  Reflecting on our gratitude during this time helps lead us into focusing on a new year and bringing that thankfulness into a new season.

I am grateful for many things in my life.  The first one I want to discuss is my gratitude for the opportunity to be a mother.  I cannot even fully explain, like most parents or those caring/loving children, my love for my daughter.  Becoming a mother helped me focus on and push myself to what I needed to accomplish and what I still want to achieve.

I want the best for her and in turn makes me want to be the best me I can be, so that I can be around to watch her grow into the amazing woman I know she will be.  It is not always easy, and her terrible two phase keeps me on my toes, but I will not change it for anything. 

Prayer/Positive Thoughts

Let us take the time to reflect on gratitude and share that gratitude any chance we get.  Let us also remember to be thankful all year round.  We are grateful for the opportunities we have to give love to others, and us to continue to spread that love always.

I want to hear from you this week.  Please share with us one thing that you are grateful for. 

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