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Speak Positive Sunday 16

Good Morning Inspirers! Are you ready for another Speak Positive Sunday?  How was your week? I hope that you were able to find some peace, strength and clarity if you were in need of it. 

Today I want to talk about checking on others.  I have seen a few posts about this lately on Facebook.  Have you seen the posts /memes that say check on your strong friends? There are others too. We all may consider ourselves to be that strong friend. We’re the friends that are always there for others.  The one that always wants others to be happy and do anything we can for them in their time of need.  We may be considered strong, but yet we are drowning on the inside. 

Whether you consider yourself to be the strong one or not, we all need to be checked on sometimes.  Life gets busy with tasks, situations, disappointments, opportunities, many more things that make up life, and it can be overwhelming at times.  We must take the time out to be supportive of each other.  We cannot allow just one person to take on the weight of making everyone feel better.  If you are the one that is always displaying strength it is okay to let go and release for yourself, and let others know you need support.

Take the time to check on someone today. 

Prayer/Positive Thoughts

I want to take the time to check in with all of you.  I hope that you are able to find the release that you need and know that it is okay to focus on your wellbeing.  This is a message to myself personally as well.  I pray and ask that we be more consistent and conscious of our own mental, physical and spiritual health.  Let us be there for one another.

May your lives be enriched with everything you need to fulfill your destiny.

Love and Blessings,

Randa B.

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