Book Reviews Uncategorized Randa B.  

I Don’t Like to Eat Ants by JTK Belle, Illustrated by Sabine Mielke-Book Review

Thank you Lindsey with Smith Publicity for a review copy of this book.  My opinion of this book is my own.  


What else does an anteater like to eat besides ants?

This fun rhyming book follows two anteater friends having a conversation about eating.

Anteater One does not like eating ants anymore. Anteater Two cannot understand Anteater One because eating ants is “what they do.”

Is it really that bad to try something new? Who will win the eating battle between Anteater One and Two.  

Do you have a picky eater? Well this book is for you!

My Thoughts

This book was well written by JTK Belle.  The rhyming really brought the story to life.  Parents can definitely use this story to help their picky eaters explore different foods.  The illustrations by Sabine Mielke were great too! I was able to put myself in the conversation with the anteaters by looking at the pictures. I loved how the ants were having a conversation of their own as the anteaters were going back and forth with each other. 

I recommend this book be added to your children’s collection and used when having a difficult time with them wanting to eat different foods.

About the Author and Illustrator (from Press Release)

Jeffrey, Tommy, and Katie Belle founded Picklefish Press in 2017.  Their previous works include Freeda the Cheetah, Katherine’s Bike was Wonderfully Strange,  and Tommy O’Tom in Tub O’  Trouble. Katie and Tommy both are passionate about nonprofit philanthropic efforts toward wildlife conservation.  Jeff currently works for Amazon Publishing.  The family resides in Seattle.  Check out their website for more.

Sabine Mielke started her career as a master advertising technician.  She then studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Berlin and worked as a graphic designer for almost 20 years, before deciding to pursue her life-long dream as a full time illustrator.  Sabine lives with her three dogs in Berlin, Germany.

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