Celebrate Dad! Father’s Day Roundup 2021
Father’s Day Books Roundup
I want to wish all the fathers, soon to be fathers, and father figures a Happy and Blessed Father’s Day! I hope that you all have an amazing and loving day. If you are looking for some books to add to your little one(s) library, check out these three.
1. Wild About Dads By Diana Murray Illustrated by Amber Alvarez*

Dads can help you reach up high,
And help to keep you warm and dry.
Dads are strong.
Dads are brave.
But sometimes dads could use a shave.
Everyone loves dads-humans, lions, frogs, prairie dogs, and even pelicans! See them snuggle their little ones in this sweet, rhyming picture book that celebrates fatherhood in its many forms!
2. Papa Brings Me the World Written and Illustrated by Jenny Sue Kostecki-Shaw*

Most parents drive a car or ride a bus or train to work-but not LuLu’s papa. He navigates mountains, deserts, and oceans, each time returning home with pockets full of treasures. There’s an ancient calculator from China, a musical mbira from Zimbabwe, and a special game from Sumatra. But the best treasures are special stories Papa tells when he comes home-tales of playing peekaboo with rare birds in the Andes and meeting dragons in the Irish Sea.
This long-distance love story between parent and child celebrates inclusivity, imagination, and the richness of global cultures.
3. Three Squeezes by Jason Pratt and Illustrated by Chris Sheban* (We will be giving a copy of this book away during our summer giveaway)

From baby boy, dad gives three squeezes.
During school age, dad gives three squeezes.
Through adulthood, dad gives three squeezes.
The three squeezes given in different ways at different times,
but always meant the same.
My Thoughts
This book is really sweet as you watch the relationship between father and son grow throughout their lifetime. Those three squeezes meant so much to dad and son. It reminds me of the long squeeze and kiss on the forehead I give my daughter during our moments.
It is important as parents to always show and tell our children we love them and as they grow they will know and will be able to the same when they have families of their own.
*Book descriptions are from the book description, brief book text, and/or online, and/or book review.