Book Reviews Randa B.  

Your Astrological Cookbook: The Perfect Recipe for Every Sign By Catherine Urban-Book Review

Thank you Mary Kate with Simon and Schuster’s Adams Media for a review copy of this book.  My opinion of this book is my own.  


Each zodiac sign has unique traits, but I never really thought about their preference in cooking, which is why I was interested in reviewing this book.  I myself as Aquarius prefer not to be in the kitchen all the time, and consider myself a mood cooker, but I also know a few Aquarians that love to cook.  I know a few cooks in other signs as well and loved to see what some recipes are for each sign.  Catherine Urban brings insight about the signs and the different recipes and food they love. 

Catherine first discusses the signs’ makeup:

Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius are Fire signs.  Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo are Earth signs.  Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini are Air signs.  Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces are Water signs. The signs also have their own modality.  Cardinal signs are Aries, Capricorn, Libra, and Cancer.  Fixed signs Leo, Taurus, Aquarius, and Scorpio.  Mutable signs are Sagittarius, Virgo, Gemini, and Pisces.  Catherine shares that “the element gives a quality to the sign, while the modality sets the pace, resulting in a unique celestial signature to each zodiac sign.”

Catherine then breaks down eating by element and by modality. Fire signs “prefer excitement and will pass on anything bland”.  Earth signs “like receipts that are solid, are not overly complicated, and feature ingredients you can trust”.  Air signs “are game to try new things in the kitchen”.  Water signs “like a dish that speaks to your mood”. Cooking for cardinal signs is “about the experience”, fixed signs have “a few signature dishes up your sleeve”, while mutable signs “don’t think about food until hunger strikes”.

She also explains how planets of the signs influence cooking.  The meat of the book is filled with recipes for each sign:

Aries: The Spontaneous Chef

Taurus:  The Smooth Chef

Gemini: The Adventurous Chef

Cancer: The Mood Chef

Leo: The Luminous Chef

Virgo: The Logical Chef

Libra: The Fancy Chef

Scorpio: The Enigmatic Chef

Sagittarius: The Innovator Chef

Capricorn: The Sophisticated Chef

Aquarius: The Scientist Chef

Pisces: The Intuitive Chef

You want to find out if the book describes your cooking style correctly and what tasty recipes are included for your sign?  Check out this book today and enjoy learning more mouthwatering recipes.

My Thoughts

Catherine’s knowledge of astrology and love of food brings forth a wonderful collection of recipes for each sign.  If you have not tried these already, you will definitely want to. 

I was so thrilled to look at the recipes for Aquarius but saw other recipes for the other signs I would like to try.  It is true that Aquarians love kitchen gadgets, I know a few who love to have the latest in kitchenware/cookware. 

I cannot wait to use this cookbook when my daughter and I get our new place!

About the Author (from Book Cover)

Catherine Urban is an astrologer, writer, and low-key foodie who has been fascinated by astrology since the age of twelve.  With more than ten years of consulting experience, she has reached top accreditation as a certified astrologer through the National Counsel for Geocosmic Research, has been published in various astrological journals, and writes culinary-themed horoscopes for  Discover more astrology at or follow on Instagram at @astrocatherine.

2 thoughts on “Your Astrological Cookbook: The Perfect Recipe for Every Sign By Catherine Urban-Book Review

  1. Sharon

    I got this book for Christmas….reading this has me excited to do something with it now!

    1. Randa B.

      That is so awesome!!! Yes, I am so excited about using this book once we move!! Thank you for commenting and your support!!

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