Thank you for your interest in a possible partnership. I am looking forward to developing partnerships that will help spread positivity to others as well as share personal growth and parent and child development. I am open to ideas. I have a few ideas that I am interested in:
- Covering Inspiring Events and Social Sharing
- Sponsored Posts
- Parenting (Single Parenting)
- Child Development and Education (Learning Tools)
- Prematurity Awareness
- Physical and Mental Health
- Covering Children Events and Social Sharing
- Reviewing Products
- Photo Projects
My favorite posts have been about adventures with my daughter and writing about her growth and development, and stories we are reading. If your brand focuses on these areas, I would love the opportunity to work with you.
I am also working on becoming a healthier person and sharing my journey with others and researching techniques and products to assist with this journey.
Lastly, I love photography and currently have a section called Inspiring Thru Photos and looking for opportunities to find and spread inspiration through photography. Below are some of the photos from my Inspiring Thru Photos section.

For more information, including availability and pricing, please contact me at inspiringtp@yahoo.com.