Updates for September 2019
September is here! It is almost Fall my favorite season. I love being able to wear boots, leggings, and sweaters. Do you enjoy the Fall?
September is also a special month for us. September 1st we celebrated one year of being launched. Yay! We have definitely enjoyed the journey, and looking to fulfilling another year.
What’s New?
We have some amazing things going on. We plan to release updates on our social media sites throughout September.
The landing page is completed. As I stated, I want my subscribers to see it first. I will add it to the newsletter or send it in another email.
We are working on our inspirational products as well as opportunities with other products.
We are so excited for new things to come.
How’s It Going on Social Media?
We are still looking to expand and grow on social media and would love to continue connecting with all of our supporters. Updates will be released on our sites, so follow us to stay connected.
Our goals are to continue to work on content and projects and continue updating our website to reflect the new things happening.
I will be releasing my next book series this month as well.
Hoping September brings you all many blessings. Happy birthday and anniversary to everyone celebrating this month!
Until next update…
Randa B.