Updates for July 2019
Hello July. Hello summertime and hot weather.
July has been busy already, but I am so happy it is closer to my vacation. It is also my family reunion next weekend and I’m excited to be with family.
What’s New?
We have been updating! Yay! We have a new theme on the website. I am very satisfied with it. It is closer to what I was looking for. We have updated our About Us and Intro to Blog pages. I am working on updating the Inspiring Photos page.
I ordered some bookmarks to advertise the blog for my family reunion bags, and I have a lot left over. So, I am deciding what I will do with the rest of them. How do you advertise for your blog/business?
How’s It Going on Social Media?
I have been slacking on social media posts, so hopefully this month we will get back to growing. We would love for you to follow us on social media.
My goal for this month is to refresh myself. That is the biggest goal! I want to focus on blogging tasks and go on at least one adventure with my baby girl.
We our truly grateful for your continued support! May July bring you plenty of blessings! Happy birthday and anniversary to those celebrating this month!
Until next update…
Randa B.