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Updates for December 2018

It’s the last month of the year! OM Gosh!! I keep asking myself ‘where did this year go?’ . I am getting ready to plan my daughter’s second birthday party and was supposed to go check out the location I plan to use in the spring or summer, and I’m like dang those months went by so fast and I was so busy I did not even go, and now it is time to plan. 

This year has been full of emotions and lessons, but I am amazed of the outcome and wisdom I gained this year. I will do a separate post about 2018 later on.  Let me get to the updates.

What’s New?

Topic: Charity/Giving

I have been accepted into a few affiliate programs, and you will now notice an affiliate disclosure in my posts and in the footer of my page. You will see the following links/banners for the programs:

  • Magazineline-If you still love magazines or know someone who does, feel free to click on the banner/link for your magazine subscriptions.
  • Chronicle Books-This is a lovely book site for those looking to order books.  I was browsing and saw one of the books I purchased at a friends of the library sale.
  • Photobook Worldwide-This site can be used for your photo printing needs and/or gifts.

Next year, I plan to help out with fellow bloggers affiliate links since I will be doing more creative things I will be ordering online more.

I am going to start posting in my Prayer Requests/PositiveThought section of my blog and add it to my newsletters. If you have prayer requests feel free to send them to mirandab@inspiringthrupositivity.com or inspiringtp@yahoo.com.  If you do not want your name or the person’s name published, just let me know and I will use initials or just post what the need is.

How’s it going on Social Media?


Goal: 125 Followers: 109 Likes: 105 Goal: Same


Goal: 1100 Followers: 1164 Goal Met!! New Goal: 1200


Goal: 50 Followers: 29 Monthly viewers: 672 Goal: Same


Goal: 30 Subscribers: 27 Almost there!! Goal: Same


Goal: 130 Followers: 153 Goal Met! New Goal: 175

Planned Posts:

  • Lovin’ My Leena
  • Recap of Fear and Gratitude Quotes
  • Adventures With Leena
  • Diabetes Awareness Post
  • Prematurity Awareness Post
  • And More

Thank you all for your continued support. Until next update, remember to Be Positive. Be Blessed. Be a Blessing.

Randa B.

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