Picture of Taming Josh's Dragon Book Cover. A colorful dragon holding cowboy boots.
Book Reviews Randa B.  

Taming Josh’s Dragon

Taming Josh’s Dragon-A mother’s tale of a life too brief. By Debbie Sumner

Thank you Krista with LAVIDGE Publicity. My opinion of this book is my own.

Taming Josh’s Dragon-A mother’s tale fo a life too brief. By Debbie Sumner


Debbie Sumner shares her journey with her son, Josh from birth, through illness, and passing.  Sumner shares their experiences and love in such a personal way that pulls you into their lives.  She details information about Josh’s lung disease and transplant and explains the medical terms throughout the book.  You can feel their bond and hurt, and most of all their love.  She also shares her grieving process that would lead to writing the memoir. Sumner’s book provides comfort for families going through or have gone through similar journeys.

My Thoughts

I have shared some of my thoughts in the synopsis.  I was really touched by this memoir.  I admire Debbie Sumner for sharing her journey and love for her son.  Her sharing will encourage others.  Even though I personally have not gone through a child having a life -threatening illness and needing a transplant and sadly passing away, upon reading this book I gained knowledge about the lung disease and transplant process. I can only slightly relate to the NICU experience. However, I can share this as a resource for those who may need it. Josh’s life was certainly a life too brief, and may Sumner always continue to feel Josh’s love surrounding her.

About the Author (from Press Release)

Author Debbie Sumner is an expert in her field medical imaging-with 43 years of experience.  In October 1999, Sumner developed a local transplant support group, “Close to the Heart,” in memory of her son, Josh.  For 20 years, this group helped individuals and families who needed emotional support before and after transplant.  Currently, she lives in Warren, Pennsylvania with her husband Ken and adopted labs.  For more information about Sumner and her book, please visit her website: https://www.tamingjoshsdragon.com/

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