Speak Positive Sunday~Message 31

Hello Inspirers! Check-in time to see how everyone is doing during this time of sheltering in place.  Are you an essential worker?  Are your children’s schools closed?  Are you working from home?  How are you mentally and physically? This is a time that has changed our routines and affected our lives, but we must continue to remember that we will […]

Speak Positive Sunday~Message 30

Hello Everyone! How are you all?  I know that we are dealing with everything that is going on.  Our lives and routines have been changed. It is hard to keep things going and stay positive with hearing the news constantly.  However, we must remain positive. We will get through it.  We just have to continue to take precautions.  We can […]

Speak Positive Sunday 29

Good Morning Everyone!  I want to start off first by saying Happy Women’s History Month!! I am happy and truly grateful to have a group of wonderful, talented, and positively influential women in my life.  I am also glad to see a shift in how some women are treating each other.  There are more of being supportive of each and […]

Speak Positive Sunday~Message 28

Hello Everyone! How are you all?  I pray that you all are doing well and feeling blessed and that you are continuing to work on your goals.  March is here, and Springtime is on its way.  Fall is my favorite season of all, but I also love the Spring because Spring brings about a renewing of spirit and focus to […]

Speak Positive Sunday~Message 26

Evening Inspirers!! For this Speak Positive Sunday, I just want to do a check in with everyone on achieving their goals.  How is your focus?  How is your energy? Whatever you are setting out to accomplish you can do it.  Remember you were born for a purpose and you can achieve it. It may get hard at times but keep […]

Speak Positive Sunday 25

Hello Everyone! Speak Positive Sunday.  February is here and we have an opportunity for a fresh start to focus on our lives. January was filled with many people passing on.  Some I knew personally, some I did not. Some were ill, some were not. Then the heartbreaking tragedy of Kobe Bryant, his daughter, and the other families. I know that […]

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