Book Reviews Randa B.  

Superhero of Love by Bridget Fonger-Book Review

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Thank you Jennifer with Smith Publicity Inc. for a review copy of this book.  My opinion of this book is my own.  


“Self-care is key to clearing the way so you can go deeper; body, mind, and spirit all need to be nourished to support the work.” Bridget Fonger, Superhero of Love

Superhero of Love walks you through self-reflection and healing of your broken heart.  Bridget Fonger includes a personal account of the relationship that caused her hurt and her emotional journey to healing.  As you read this book you will go from reliving your hurtful relationship, reflecting and realizing the firestorms that will lead you to your Mighty Flame.  You will identify saboteurs and your kryptonite that keeps you from loving and healing.  Next you will go through Superhero Training Camp.  There you set up your support system which includes those you can count on to help you cope, grow, love yourself and in time love again.  Then you will learn about the Five Superheroes:  Sight, Hearing, Humility, Self-Love, and Alignment.  Lastly, you will bring it all together to mend your heart and are encouraged to help others on their journey.  Fonger includes exercises throughout the book to assist with reflection and working through each step.  She includes boosters and resources to help you along the way.

Are you going to through heartbreak and/or having a hard time letting go of your pain? Then this book is for you.

My Thoughts

I felt the essence and power of this book when I opened it and starting reading.  Literally tears begin to form because this is the journey I am on.  I wish I had this book at the beginning of my journey.  I found it useful and enlightening, and will go back and use the resources provided.

Be prepared to be real with yourself and have an open-mind.  I do not believe you can read this book with a closed mind because you will cheat yourself out of true reflection and development.  I love how Fonger made note of this in the beginning.  She even encouraged readers to adjust certain references she makes in the book to fit them such as spirituality and sexual orientation.  This showed how much she wants each reader to benefit from her book. 

I recommend this book for anyone on a journey of healing a broken heart whether you are just now starting, gotten stuck in the middle of your healing, at the end and you are looking for resources, or want to help someone else with their journey.

About the Author (from Press Release)

Bridget Fonger is a longtime health, lifestyle, and relationship writer, having authored a regular column for Huffington Post, co-authored the book The Lazy Woman’s Guide to Just About Everything, and blogs at

Fonger currently serves as a contributor for Thrive Global and Quora, and hosts a podcast entitled Superhero of Love Podcast.  She also has an inspirational series of talks called Love Forward Talks.

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