Speak Positive Sunday Message 34 type on a pink and orange background with a flower in the background
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Speak Positive Sunday~Reflecting On Last Year and Key Thoughts

Speak Positive Sunday Message 34


Hi everyone and welcome back to Speak Positive Sundays.  I want to speak on reflecting over our lives, especially over last year.  Last year was a year that shook us up with uncertainties: loss of life, jobs, stability and sanity.  It was also a year to bring us much needed focus on the things that matter the most in our lives.  I want to focus on a few thoughts I have been thinking about.

~You are a Living Testimony! If you made it to see the New Year, you have a testimony.  Life may not be the same for you right now, but you are here today for another chance to look for or live in your purpose.  Look over your life and remember how many times you overcame.  I know there have been a few times life could have turned out differently for me, but I am still here.  Now think about your friends and family members who are all walking testimonies, still living to fulfill their purpose.  Use this time to live!

~Empathy brings unity.  I hope that this year brings out more empathy towards others.  It is already off to a shaking start, but if we all strive to more understanding towards others and their circumstances, then we will be able to unite into the people we are meant to be.  No, we will not be able to reach everyone, but we have to start with those willing to listen and bring about change.  I encouraged this before and I’ll encourage this again-speak to someone outside of your circle to get a viewpoint on what life is like for them.  Just because it is not happening to you or you do not see it does not mean it is not another person’s reality. I put this into practice myself this year. I signed up to be a part of a culture competency group, and the discussion so far has been enlightening. 

~ Everyday be a better you.  We are humans and we will make mistakes.  However, if we make it a point to reflect daily, weekly (however we need to) on our mistakes and strive to do better the next day we are on our way to a purposeful life.

I am glad that we are back to Speaking Positive.  Our messages this year will focus on our four key words for this year:  Gratitude, Self-Care, Connection, and Break Through.  We may discuss other topics as they come to mind.

Prayer/Positive Thoughts

Thank You God for life.  We know that life is not guaranteed and we are grateful to still be a living testimony.  We pray for those still ill from this pandemic and other ailments.  We pray for those in recovery, and we pray those who have passed away and their families.  We pray to lead our lives with empathy and that we try to be united.  Let us continue to work to better ourselves and be a positive impact to others.

May you all be blessed this week and always! Until next time.. Be Positive. Be Blessed. Be a Blessing.


Randa B.

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