Speak Positive Sunday~Message 28
Hello Everyone!
How are you all? I pray that you all are doing well and feeling blessed and that you are continuing to work on your goals.
March is here, and Springtime is on its way. Fall is my favorite season of all, but I also love the Spring because Spring brings about a renewing of spirit and focus to me. Flowers start to bloom, the weather is nicer, and everything just feels like a new beginning.
I want to focus on Springtime. We have been working on our goals, our dreams, and our visions. This is a time for us to renew our focus. If everything is going well for you coming out of the winter season, then this is the time to stay your course, but also think about ways you can add to your progress. If you need to start again, this is the season for starting fresh and going back to the drawing board.
“Spring adds new life and new beauty to all that is”. ~Jessica Harrelson
It is new life in continuing on our successful path and new life if we have to start again. It is a beautiful thing either way because we are walking in our purpose and working on our goals and dreams.
Prayer/Positive Thoughts
I am thankful that we are able to experience a refreshing of our mind and spirit as Spring comes. It is important that we use the seasons of life as points and moments of reflection. I pray that we continue to see our progress as beautiful even though we may experience ups and downs on our journey.
I want to encourage you all to continue moving forward in life and keep walking in your purpose. May you continue to be showered with blessings and positivity.
Randa B.