Speak Positive Sunday~Message 24
Hello Everyone! Speak Positive Sunday. We are trying out another time of day to send them or thinking about having varying times on Sundays to send them out.
The focus quotes last week had me really thinking about life and everything that I am pursuing. It is easy to lose focus on things in front of us as we pursue our purpose. That is why the quote below is one of my favorite quotes from the week:
“My focus is to try to appreciate the present moment more and more and more.” ~Mike Posner
I have many important people and things in my life that I should be focusing on as well. This life is not promised to us, and even though we are working to make our futures better we cannot forget about the present. My daughter is my reason why, and she is also the most important thing in my present.
I have decided that this year Leena and I are going to focus and connect with God’s beautiful creations. We are going to visit every park we can in Oklahoma and then look to travel outside of Oklahoma and share our adventures. Connecting with nature has always been one way for me to focus and get away. This next quote also ties in with my plan.
“It’s very important that we re-learn the art of resting and relaxing. Not only does it help prevent the onset of many illnesses that develop through chronic tension and worrying; it allows us to clear our minds, focus, and find creative solutions to problems”. ~Thich Nhat Hanh
We cannot lose focus on the present striving for the future. Have you stopped and thought about how many times stress and worrying has caused us to be ill? We have to take time to clear our minds through rest and relaxation.
How do you focus when you need to step away for a while?
Prayer/Positive Thoughts
Thank you for the moments that remind us that we need to step back and focus. Thank you for giving us a purpose to pursue, but we ask that you help us live in the moment-the present-because we realize that this life is not promised to us. We want to live and love in the moment as we continue to fulfill our calling.
I pray that you all take time out to focus as you need to this week. I also want to lift up Kobe Bryant’s family, friends and fans and the family and friends of the others who lost their lives today in my prayers. May Kobe and his daughter and others rest in love.