Uncategorized Randa B.  

Speak Positive Sunday~Message 20

Hello my fellow Inspirers.  We are in the last month of the year.  This is the time of month that I sit, reflect, and start focusing on my goals for the new year.  So, I want to focus on goals this month.

I believe that we all need to set a goal that we are working towards.  Setting goals help us realize our purpose, helps us walk into our purpose, and helps us live our purpose. 

One important thing as we are preparing to set new goals is to look back at our past goals and that is where the reflection comes from.  I want you to reflect on your past goals and whether or not you accomplished it.  If you have, celebrate yourself.  If not-will it be part of your goals for the new year.  Also, celebrate yourself for reflecting and focusing.

Prayer/Positive Thoughts

Thankful for the moments that we have to set goals for ourselves and work on ourselves.  Let us use this time we have wisely.  Let us celebrate ourselves for accomplishing our goals and for those that we need to continue to work on, let us not feel defeated but see them as building moments.

I pray that you all have a blessed week and work on reflecting over the year as we prepare to enter a new year by God’s grace.

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