Speak Positive Sunday~Message 13
Blessings Everyone! Welcome to another Speak Positive Sunday. How is everyone doing? I pray that your week was full of blessings and opportunities. This is a new week-another chance to inspire and work on ourselves. What do you plan to work on this week?
Today’s message I want to talk about one of the quotes by Will Smith last week: “The first step is you have to say that you can”.
I love how these quotes are continuing to line up with the first message of purpose and keep building. We have visions, we have dreams, but the one thing that is stopping us is believing that we can.
Our purpose may have us in a field that has many people doing the same thing, and we tell ourselves “I cannot compete.” “I cannot offer anything different.” “I cannot do this.” I was reminded of this today, and all through last week that yes we may be surrounded by others doing the same thing, but think about what makes you unique.
We have to say we can. Everything does not have to be a competition. There are moments of growth and opportunities. Remember whatever is for you is for you!
Take the first step and say You Can!
Prayer/Positive Thoughts
We are thankful for the opportunities we have to discover and fulfill our purpose. Even during the times we say to ourselves “I can’t”, let us turn it around and say, “I can”. We ask that you continue to open doors for us all, and continue to give us the chance to bless others.
May you all be blessed this week, and remember that you can!