Speak Positive Sunday~Message 12
Blessings Everyone! It’s Speak Positive Sunday. How is everyone doing? I hope that everyone has been figuring out or working on their purpose. I want everyone to be able to live and fulfill his or her dreams. That is one of the most important things in life.
Today’s message I want to talk about one of my favorite quotes last week by Keanu Reeves “You have to change your life if you’re not happy, and wake up if things aren’t going the way you want.”
We are in charge of our happiness. There are things that will happen to us outside of our control, but we are responsible how we respond and allow those situations to affect us.
Often times we hold on to things, people, or situations that are stalling our happiness because we cannot let go, afraid to let go, blinded-whatever it may be. Until we wake up and realize that we deserve more we will remain unhappy. We deserve to be able to live our dreams and be happy.
Do not allow someone/something to continue to take your happiness.
Live for you and yours. Find your purpose to help others. Whoever is meant to be in your purpose will be.
You are in charge of your happiness and deserve to be happy.
I had to make this step recently and a few times before, and I am passionate about encouraging others to do the same.
Prayer/Positive Thoughts
We are thankful for the blessings of happiness we have in our lives. Help us to realize those things/people that are trying to steal our happiness. Let us not be afraid to change our lives if we are not happy. Let us strive to help others find their happiness.
Love you all!