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Speak Positive Sunday-Message 9

Good Morning Inspirers.  It is Sunday-a new week and another chance to start off refreshed. Where you able to achieve some balance last week? I hope so. I was able to-well a little, but it helped me focus better this weekend on tasks. 

Today’s message will be about my two favorite quotes from Mother Teresa that I shared this week.

The first one is “Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless”. 

Words are important. Words stay embedded with us sometimes longer than anything physical.  I bet you can reflect back on the words that someone said to you that hurt you to the core.  You moved passed it but one remembrance of those words takes you back to how you felt. I can admit to that and I despise that feeling because it affects me this day with some of the issues I am still overcoming.

I can also remember some the kindest and most influential words spoken or taught to me. Those words drive me on my purpose.  Kind words are sweet to our ears and warmth to our hearts. 

Speak kindly to yourself and others.

The second quote is “Spread love everywhere you go.  Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier”.

Love is needed everyday and everywhere we go.  I try to remember this everyday even when I am not at my best.  People come to us at times when they need uplifting, sometimes we may not know it, but the way we interact with them will be remembered forever.  A smile, a hug, an encouraging word, or a listening ear are ways we can show love to someone daily. 

I love being around positive and happy people. I love when on my bad days I can be around someone with positive energy and love and my mood changes.  We must be mindful of our interactions with others.

Strive to spread love and happiness.

Prayer/Positive Thoughts

I am so grateful to be reminded through these quotes of the opportunities to show kindness and love to others.  I pray that our lives be filled with love.  Let us remember to speak kind words to others and ourselves.  Let us remember that we are all connected in this life, and more kindness, love, and understanding is needed at this time.  May we always seek guidance on how we can be a positive influence on others.

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