Speak Positive Sunday-Message 8
Hello everyone! I hope that you were able to accomplish what you needed, but also got the rest you needed last week. Let’s talk about Balance this week.
With our busy schedules-work, family, self, social life, it is sometimes hard to find balance in our life. What do we put first? Of course this answer is different for everyone, and we have to figure out what is most important to us. We have to prioritize to be able to find balance. If we only feed one with our time, the others go lacking.
Finding balance is not always easy. I struggle with this as a single mom with a career and also running a business while trying to include self-care and creativity. My daughter is my priority, but I often feel guilty when trying to complete business tasks and she needs or wants my attention. I am learning it’s all about balance. I am learning to prioritize and complete tasks if needed once my daughter is sleep or with my parents.
It is important to prioritize in order to find balance. We must give attention to all areas of our lives.
Prayer/Positive Thoughts
May we learn to prioritize the areas in our lives, and give our time to each area. Let us not lose ourselves in our schedules, and find ways to include self-care. Help us with our guilt on days where balancing does not work out how we intended.
I pray that your week will be full of blessings, positivity, and balance.