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Speak Positive Sunday-Message 7

It’s Sunday and another opportunity for Speak Positive Sunday.  Today I want to talk about my favorite quote from this week by Forest Whitaker-“May we remain connected in love. We are one.”

It is truly sad to hear about two more mass shootings. My prayers are going up to those in El Paso and Ohio. Also the shooting that happened with the disgruntled worker, praying for those as well.  So many people are angry, hurting, whatever the reason it is too much going on.

We are divided as a country because we have forgotten what it means to be humane and show love to one another. We are not concerned about each other like before.  Some people have an ‘it’s all about me’ attitude or ‘their’ situation is not mine. We are connected whether we want to be or not. We were made to give love and show love.

We come from different backgrounds and our situations may be different, the list can go on and on, but our purpose has not changed.

We need to love and show kindness to each other.

Prayer/Positive Thoughts

I pray we get back to loving each other, being there for one another, and encouraging each other. We cannot grow as a human race without each other.  There is always an opportunity for empathy and love. Let us never forget that. 

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