Speak Positive Sunday-Message 5
Happy Sunday! Did you get to focus on your self-care? I hope so. It was a tiring week for me, and I plan to get plenty of self-care soon.
I want to discuss Self-Doubt for the message this week. On the journey to fulfill our purpose we can be pumped up, motivated and believing in ourselves, and then all of a sudden this little voice will creep into our head and tells us ‘you cannot do this’, ‘who do you think you are?’ -That one little voice can destroy our passion for what we are doing. That one little voice can stop us from pursuing our dreams. That one little voice can defeat us.
I experienced self-doubt many times in my life when it came to pursuing my goals and dreams. That along with fear caused me to miss out on some of the best opportunities I could have experienced. I had it again this week with all that I am starting to accomplish-I heard that little voice tell me ‘I could not do it’. For a moment I let it start to seek in and over take me. Then another voice came in and told me ‘yes you can’.
Self-Doubt can also come through others doubt that they put on us and in our heads. They do not want to believe you can do it or they do not want you to achieve it. So, their doubts become your doubts. You cannot let others cause you to doubt yourself. One of my quotes that I say and believe is “People may not understand your vision, but keep pursuing it anyway!” I am going to add something to that “People may doubt your dream, but it was made for you to achieve”.
We will not always be free of thoughts of doubt. We are human so they will come, but it is how we react to those thoughts. Will we be consumed with them or will we remember and hear that other small voice say ‘yes you can’?
Prayer/Positive thoughts for the week:
I come to ask that any self-doubt they we may be experiencing be eased with the remembrance that we were born for our purpose. Though it may not always be easy, we will always be provided with the right resources and people we need to reach our goals. Let us also remember to not let others’ doubt cloud our vision. Let us be an encouragement to those who doubt us, and show them that they can also reach their goals and have a purpose to fulfill.
I hope that your week will be full of inspiring moments and blessings!