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Speak Positive Sunday-Message 2

Hi everyone. Welcome back to Speak Positive Sunday.  I hope that you were able to focus on your purpose and your week was filled with positivity.

Today I want to discuss brighter days.  My favorite quote from this past week by Tupac Shakur was “For every dark night, there’s a brighter day”.  I know many of us have had dark nights. Even sometimes those dark nights turn into dark days.    I have written previously about my depression, and the only way I was able to see my way through was the light from my daughter.  I knew that I had to keep pushing for her and that made me sought out ways to keep finding a way to make things brighter.

If you are going through dark nights and maybe even dark days, just remember that there’s always a brighter day.  Sometimes we may not be able to pull ourselves out of the darkness and need some guidance.  Don’t be afraid to reach out and find the resources you need to get through.  If no one has told you that you are important, let me tell you today that you are. You matter and I want you to reach down and find that light within or find a light source. 

Darkness does not last always.  There is always a brighter day. 

Prayer/Positive thoughts for the week:

I ask that we all will remember, “For every dark night, there is a brighter day”.  I pray that our light will shine through our darkest nights.  For those needing a light, I hope that they will be led to their light source.   For those who have found our light, let us strive to help others.  I also speak positivity over our week as we go through our daily tasks.

May you always find the light.

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