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Speak Positive Sunday-Message 19

Hello Inspirers! Welcome to Speak Positive Sunday. I had an amazing Saturday spending time with some of my family at our get together for Thanksgiving.  We still have one with my immediate family.

We have more time to reflect on thankfulness and gratitude as we near closer to Thanksgiving Day.  Feel free to comment on any Speak Positive Sunday post. 

The third thing I am thankful for is life and opportunities. Life is not promised to us, and everyday we wake up is a blessing and another opportunity to be positive and help others.

I am grateful to God that I have been able to live on this earth for 36 years.  I don’t mind saying my age because as I get older, a lot of my peers do not have the opportunity to reach my age.  So I always consider it a blessing to live another year, another day, another moment. 

I am thankful for the opportunities that I have had and will have in my life.  Some have shaped me into the woman and mother I am becoming.  Some opportunities have allowed me to step out on faith and increase my faith. 

I want to be my best while I have a chance. 

Prayer/Positive Thoughts Let us be reminded that we are truly blessed to still have life and opportunities to be a blessing to others.  Let us strive to do our best as we fulfill our purpose.  Let us

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