Speak Positive Sunday Message 14
Hello Inspirers! It is Speak Positive Sunday time! I hope that your week went well and that you are ready to start a new week refreshed. Last week was an emotional week, and I have debated what I wanted to talk about this week. So two things came back to me.
If you watch the Amber Guyger trial last week then you know how emotional that trial and sentencing was. There was a moment of forgiveness shown by Botham’s brother that has many talking. I am not going to debate his statement or actions because that was what he needed to do for his peace and healing. Even if we do not agree at the time, one thing is for sure forgiveness is for you. I have written on this about my own forgiveness. Holding on to anger, hurt, and pain does nothing but weigh you down. It is like a heavy weight on your heart, mind, shoulders, and every part of you holding you down. Once you decide to let it go despite if the other person asks forgiveness, you will feel the weight lift off of you and you can move on with your own healing. One thing I also took away from the comments about the family’s forgiveness is that “grace and accountability are not in contradiction”. This quote was from a poster on Facebook. We can forgive, but people still need to be held accountable.
The second topic that came to me was about giving back. My friend and I have this conversation quite a bit, and I have seen some positive posts lately on Facebook about others giving back to their communities, especially those who are financially able. I have also seen posts about people expecting others to give back to their community like they are owed something. To me, giving back is important and is a big part of why I created Inspiring Thru Positivity. Many people have a giving heart and our willing to give once they make it out of a neighborhood or set financially. There are people who do not have much who still give. Those who expect others just to give them something need to find a way to be a giver. We cannot expect others just to give, give, give and we take, take, and take. Find something that can help others whether it is time, money, talents or skills. We are blessed to be a blessing, but do not wait for the next person to start something.
Our lives are full of moments for giving and forgiveness.
Prayer/Positive Thoughts
We are thankful for the opportunity to reflect on our own forgiveness. If we have someone we need to forgive or ask for forgiveness, let us be moved with the steps to take in order to proceed. Let us not continue to be weighed down with the hurt, pain, and anger from not forgiving. Let us also be thankful for the opportunities that we have been blessed and the moments we have to be a blessing to others. We asked that you would put on our hearts how to give if we have not been giving ourselves.
Thank you all for continuing to be a part of Speak Positive Sunday. May your lives be enriched this week!