Uncategorized Randa B.  

Speak Positive Sunday-Message 11

Afternoon everyone! Today is a special Sunday.  It’s Inspiring Thru Positivity’s one-year anniversary.  It has been a year since we launched.  I want to talk about faith because without stepping out on faith a year ago I would not be where I am mentally today. What is faith? Most of us know the definition is believing in things unseen-whether you are religious/not-you have faith. Those things unseen mean many things-belief, religion, future, or other people.

Many people have faith, but have not used their faith.  We have also heard that faith without works is dead.  We can have all the faith in the world, but we have to put some action to it.  Our faith can be small, but once we take a step we’ll be amazed how much it grows.  One of my favorite faith quotes is by Martin Luther King, Jr. “Faith is taking the first step without seeing the entire staircase”.

You have to take the first step! What do you need? What are you trying to accomplish?  What is holding you back? 

It can be scary to step out, but that step can lead you to what you are dreaming about: that house, new job, business, moving out of state.  Whatever it is, take the step. 

Pray. Plan. Take Action.

Walk in Faith!

Prayer/Positive Thoughts

May we take the first step in faith that we need to fulfill our dreams/purpose.   We may be fearful sometimes, but help us not let fear overcome our faith.  All it takes is just a little faith. Once we exercise our faith, give us the opportunity to help others with theirs. 

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