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Speak Positive Sunday 15

Afternoon Everyone!  Speak Positive Sunday is here again, and it’s time for a dose of positivity for the week.  I have been struggling this past week with many things.  Others I know have been too.  So, I find this quote very fitting right now. 

“Everything will be okay in the end.  If it’s not okay, it’s not the end.” ~John Lennon

Everything can seem like it is falling apart, you have a thousand pounds of stress on your head, if it is not one thing it is another, and there are many more sayings I could add on, but we have to remind ourselves that it will all work out and it will be okay. 

We will go through trials to get to the point or position we need to be in our lives and once we get there we can look back and say ‘it’s okay, I get it now’.  It is hard to focus on the end when you are going through the storm/situation, but if we can keep our mind on our purpose we will find the strength to pull through.

Prayer/Positive Thoughts

I am asking that we have the strength and clarity to know that everything will be okay in the end. Even as we struggle, let us find the peace we need to pull through.  I also ask for those of us who are working on our inner peace, let us know that we have done our part in the situations or with people, and it is time to focus on our peace.

May Positivity and Blessings flow for you this week.

Love and Blessings,

Randa B.

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