Something Good Always Comes
My inspiration for September comes from the recent story of someone trying to publicly shame an actor for now working a job that this said person, from my perception did not find suitable for him to be doing since he was an actor. What that person meant to be evil, God meant it for good.
Former Cosby Show actor Geoffrey Owens was recently subject to a public shaming by a shopper at Trader Joe’s. The shopper decided to take a picture of Mr. Owens as he was working at Trader Joe’s. Karma Lawrence stated that she meant “no ill will” sneaking the picture of Mr. Owen’s, but would soon learn how karma does play out. (Source: Woman regrets sharing photos of “Cosby Show” star Geoffrey Owens working at grocery store)
I still don’t understand her reasoning for posting the picture if not to try to publicly shame. My faith in humanity was restored once I saw how much positive support was shown to Mr. Owens. No one should be job shamed for doing honest work. He was minding his business doing what he had to do in between jobs to support his family.
God showed so much favor to Mr. Owens not only through positive support, but he was offered two roles: On Tyler Perry’s The Have and The Have Nots, and on NCIS: New Orleans. Mr. Owens is such a humble and talented person. He stated, “I don’t expect to be offered things. It would be lovely as one of the results of this, some doors open in terms of giving me the opportunity to audition.” (Source: Former ‘Cosby Show’ actor Geoffrey Owens set to appear on NCIS: New Orleans)
Karma stuck it to Ms. Lawrence and she reported how hateful the responses were to her. Well duh, what did she expect? I hope that she will definitely think wisely the next time the thought crosses her mind to shame someone.
I myself and sure others can relate to a situation like this, maybe not shamed publicly, but someone was trying to tarnish our image or shame us in some way. Instead of their intentions going as planned, they backfired, and karma dealt with them justly. I am a firm believer in karma, and I always try to treat others the way I want to be treated. I’m glad that doors opened for Mr. Owens and I pray that he will receive many more blessings.