Social Distancing-Staying Calm & At Peace
Are you being affected by the quarantine/social distance precautions? I know many of us are by now. I hope that you and your love ones are taking precautions. I pray for the healing of those who have contracted the virus, and for the families who have lost someone to this. I also pray a special prayer of protection over all the essential workers who are working to take care of the ill and provide us the services we need. My job has us teleworking for now. We were able to keep one person in our offices at a time, but that has now changed to our offices being fully closed. We are able to go to our offices to get what we need, but we must get in and get out.
It has been interesting especially with everyone being home. Leena was at home when we first started teleworking due to healing from an ear infection and congestion. She was so excited that I was at home with her. This would work out better if we were in our own place, which we are planning to do soon, but not sure how it will all happen with the social distancing and sheltering in place. The mayor of my city has issued a shelter in place, but the governor has only issued a safer at home for those high risks. So, it is confusing, and we have some still not following safety guidelines.
With schools being out since Spring Break and most not returning for the school year, I am glad to see people and companies suggesting activities and that some schools will be providing meals to the students. Are the schools out where you live? Will they be doing distance learning to finish out the school year?
Here is some info that I have seen on social media so far:
Oklahoma State Department of Education is partnering with OETA to provide in-home learning opportunities. Your state may be doing this as well. Check out
12 YouTube Channels with Free Art Lessons
Scholastic has free daily courses for kids.
ABC Mouse is free with code SCHOOL 7771
Apps for students with disabilities:
10 Free Learning Websites:
100 Activities to Do at Home During School Closures
I will update as I see more.
One way I am staying calm and at peace is taking part of a book challenge. I am glad I was introduced to Audible a while back by fellow blogger Sharon at In The Thick of It. I decided to take part in her challenge this year and it is a great way to help get through the day listening to books while doing my paperwork. To take part of Sharon’s challenge read her post Low-Key 2020 Book Challenge and check out her suggestions on her 2020 List.
Other ways to keep calm and at peace is to continue to have a routine, even though it may have changed, having a routine/task list will keep you on track and motivated. Even though we cannot be close to everyone we love or go out for social gatherings, still contact your friends and family members. Take the time to get into your hobbies. Find ways to be a positive influence on others. Pray for others that are going through hard times and are ill and help in ways you can. This one I shared on the latest Speak Positive Sunday, stay informed on what’s going on, but know when to cut it off. Media overload will drain your peace!
We will get through this. Let us remember to pray, stay healthy, and remember it is about all of us. So, let’s be considerate of others as we shop for things we need in our household. There is no need to hoard food and cleaning items. Only go out for essentials and get back home. Essential workers have to work during this time, if we do what we are supposed to do we will not make this harder on them. We may be tired of staying home, but our healthcare workers, delivery/mail workers, grocery store workers, warehouse workers, housekeepers/janitors in essential buildings, and all other essential workers are putting their lives on the line and worrying about the health of their families.
Stay calm, maintain your peace, and take precautions.
I would love to hear how you are staying calm and at peace. Feel free to comment.