Book Reviews Randa B.  

Snakes on the Job~Book Review

Snakes on the Job Written &Illustrated by Kathryn Dennis

Thank you Morgan with MacMillan Children’s Publishing Company for a review copy of this book.  My opinion of this book is my own.  


Where does snakes go to work?  What do they do?

What sound does the vehicles make?

What will they build?

SSSSSlide on through the book to find out what job the snakes do.

My Thoughts

This is a fun interactive book that gives us a peak into the work life of snakes.  Kathryn Dennis does a great job of including learning, play and imagination into this story.  Children learn sight words and experience work in a playful way.  This will have your child super excited to read and learn.

About the Author & Illustrator (from Book Cover)

Kathryn Dennis began her art career drawing on walls and sidewalks and painting anything that did not move.  She is the author and artist of Snakes on a Train, which was her picture book debut.  She lives in Seattle, Washington.  Check out her website at

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