Reading with Leena-Book 1
Book: Here’s to Music by Brittany Lee

What book did we just read?
MyLeena-We just read Ears to Music.
Not Ears to Music, Here’s to Music.
Leena–Here’s to Music I mean.
And who is it by?
Leena-By Brittany Lee
Okay, and we know Brittany don’t we?
Leena-Yes, we know Brittany. Yay!
Okay, so tell what was your favorite thing about the book?
What was it about first?
Leena-It is about music and instruments.
So what was your favorite part of the book?
Leena-My favorite part of the book was the instruments notes.
Instruments and notes. Okay, so what is your favorite instrument?
Leena-My favorite instrument is..I forgot what name it was, can we look back in the book please, mom.
Was it the maracas?
Leena-The maracas and what was the other one we saw first, first saw.
I think it was the piano, lets see.
Leena-Hold on.
So, Leena likes the accordion and maracas.
So would you recommend this book to other children?
I would too. So make sure you check out Here’s to Music by Brittany Lee.
Bye, bye!
Leena-Bye, bye!
(While we were reading the book, I also shared with Leena that my favorite instrument is the violin. This was a really fun topic to discuss with each other.)
This was a recorded conversation between MyLeena and myself on June 1, 2024.
You can read my review here.