Uncategorized Randa B.  

Random Question #2-What’s Your Favorite Piece of Clothing You Own?

Thank you for those who responded to question two. If you did not get a chance to read the email, here is how the section will work. I will email a random question every Sunday. If you choose to respond your answer will be featured on my blog and in the newsletters.If you want to respond, but don’t want your answer posted just let me know. If you are a fellow blogger I will shout out your blog on my social media sites as well. So be sure to include all your links.

Question 2

What’s your favorite piece of clothing you own?


Tierra M. says:

My moo moo.


Julie from Tree of Life Yoga and Wellness says:

I would have to say my favorite piece of clothing currently is my flannel lined jeans. I am the type of person that is most often cold! I wear my flannel lined jeans at least 6 months out of the year. (I do have several pairs!)

Engage with Julie at:

Blog: http://www.treeoflifeyogamontrose.com

Instagram: Tree of Life Yoga and Wellness (@treeoflifeyogaandwellness)

Twitter: https://twitter.com/JulieChristy16

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/juliechristy90/

Facebook: Tree of Life Yoga and Wellness

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3fZdmZThlIaBXrCGMOjcBQ?view_as=subscriber


Sharon from In The Thick of It says:

Hands down my jeans 


Engage with Sharon at:

Blog: inthethickofitblog.com

FB Page: facebook.com/ITTOIBlog/

Insta: instagram.com/sharon.blogs/

Pinterest: pinterest.com/sharonblogs/

Bloglovin:  bloglovin.com/sharonblogs


My response:

I use to have a favorite pair of jeans until I wore them out lol. Now I would say it is my dark grey sweater.


Thank you to everyone who responded…what will the next question be?

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