Uncategorized Randa B.  

Question 14-Who are some of your heroes?

Thank you for those who responded to question fourteen. If you did not get a chance to read the email, here is how the section will work. I will email a random question every Sunday. If you choose to respond your answer will be featured on my blog and in the newsletters. If you want to respond, but don’t want your answer posted just let me know. If you are a fellow blogger I will shout out your blog on my social media sites as well. So be sure to include all your links. If you are a fellow blogger and already responded, I have your links saved.

Question 14

Who are some of your some heroes?


Tierra M. says:

Some of my heros, well I have a few, my daughter, mother, grandmother’s, sister and best friend cousin (you), they continue to stay by my side and never let me down. When I was ill they kept me focused on getting my self back to the old me, which I’m still fighting for some of that. I see these women struggling with so much but continue to give their all to anyone in need. I am trying to get back to that stage where I can give anytime. My daughter’s love keeps me having faith in our broken world to keep fighting and staying strong. 


Julie from Tree of Life Yoga and Wellness says:

One hero that comes to mind, is my older sister Jill. She has overcome many obstacles in her life and constantly strives to be a better person and achieve a higher consciousness. She was the one my parents relied on for 20 years to help them through their struggles as they aged, and often that meant tough love and carrying through on difficult decisions on the part of my sister. She did all of this with minimal thanks or help from others. She is my hero.

Follow and Support Julie at:

Website: https://treeoflifeyogamontrose.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/treeoflifeyogaandwellness/

Twitter: Julie Christy (@JulieChristy16) | Twitter

Pinterest: Tree of Life Yoga and Wellness (juliechristy90)

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/julie.christy.treeoflifeyoga

YouTube: Julie Christy


Sharon from In The Thick of It Blog says:

My grandmother for giving me my softer side. My mom for being my working mom/ independent woman example. Oprah for being an amazing example to woman and to have us striving to live our best life!

Follow and Support Sharon at:

Blog: inthethickofitblog.com

FB Page: facebook.com/ITTOIBlog/

Insta: instagram.com/sharon.blogs/

Pinterest: pinterest.com/sharonblogs/

Bloglovin:  bloglovin.com/sharonblogs


My response:

My daughter for being so strong and determined ever since she was in my womb. My parents for constantly showing love and encouragement. My sister cousin Tierra for being a strong woman, mother and overcomer. Queen Latifah and Oprah for being amazing influencers and inspirers. I have admired them since I was young.

Thank you so much for answering these questions. I loved reading your responses. Lets keep it going!

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