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Question 11-Do you text or call more? Why?

Thank you for those who responded to question eleven. If you did not get a chance to read the email, here is how the section will work. I will email a random question every Sunday. If you choose to respond your answer will be featured on my blog and in the newsletters.If you want to respond, but don’t want your answer posted just let me know. If you are a fellow blogger I will shout out your blog on my social media sites as well. So be sure to include all your links. If you are a fellow blogger and already responded, I have your links saved.

Question 11

Do you text or call more? Why?


Tierra M. says:

I like to text more just to recall thing incase things get screwed up.


Wendy from One Exceptional Life says:

I definitely text more. I am not a huge fan of talking on the phone and texting allows me to get quick messages to my people.  Not only that, most of the people I text have their ringers turned off so they prefer text too.

Engage with Wendy at:

Blog:  www.OneExceptionalLife.com






Sharon from In The Thick of It Blog says:

Text!!!!! Much easier with an overprotective son 😉!!!

Follow and Support Sharon at:

Blog: inthethickofitblog.com

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My response:

I would say texting because it’s easier with having to keep up with a toddler and not having a lot of time to talk on the phone, or when you toddler likes to watch her videos on your phone lol.

Thank you so much for answering these questions. Lets keep it going!

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