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My Year in Review-2018

The year 2018 was somewhat a high and low year for me. The beginning started out a continuation of 2017.  I struggled with my mental and physical health. I strayed away from my path of being healthy.  I did not always talk about how I was feeling mentally and just pushed everything deep down because I had to continue to work and my daughter depended on me.  Plus, sometimes explaining things to people who do not completely understand how you feel can be draining emotionally also.

Things turned around mid-year when I decided to pursue my dream of being my own boss and finding a way to bring in extra income for my household.  I stopped living in fear and stepped out on faith and have been going ever since.  I have a long way to go to reach my overall goal, but I am learning and enjoying the process.

One of the biggest lessons I learned in 2018 was forgiveness. Learning to truly forgive set my soul, body, and mind free. That is why my favorite post from last year is It’s About Forgiveness.  I had to truly forgive for myself and I asked forgiveness from others in order for me to move forward in my life.

I had to sit back and realize that everything that happened had a purpose and it was to set me on my current path. 

It forced me to focus on what is important in my life at the moment.  It taught me what support really was.  I am grateful for the things I went through, even though I was almost fully broken.

Thank you 2018! You pushed me to work on being a better me.

I have a couple of favorite moments from last year.  My first one is the moment my baby girl started working.  She started walking at 17 months.  I missed when she first took her steps because I was at work, but she continued practicing and I was able to see her when I got home from work. 

Leena Walking

She had been so determined to walk.  At times she got frustrated and I wished I had a magic wand to help her walk, but she kept trying.  The moment she took her steps you can see the joy all over her.  One day she kept walking around and around one of the couches. She made me tired watching her lol, but I was not going to stop her. I wish I would have recorded that one.

My other favorite moment was getting serious about my blog.  That moment changed me; you can say it saved me.  It changed my outlook, my goals, and my determination.  My blog means so much to me. I have always dreamed about having a blog, newsletter, something where I can share my thoughts, inspire and help others. 

My favorite song that I am carrying with me in 2019 is Thank You, Next by Ariana Grande. I can relate to that song and thankful for the lessons I learned from each of my relationships. 

Here are some of my favorite quotes that I shared in 2018:

Fear-“Remember your dreams and fight for them.  You must know what you want from life.  There is just one thing that makes your dream become impossible:  the fear of failure.” Paulo Coelho

I let fear keep me away from too many opportunities. I will not let it happen again.  I know I will have moments of fear as I pursue my goals, but I will not let it keep me from stepping out to grab the opportunity.

Positive-“I surround myself with good people who make me feel great and give me positive energy.” Ali Krieger

I cannot let negative people in my circle. Their energy is draining. If they cannot have a positive outlook on life and strive to make a better life for themselves, I have to love/like them at a distance.  I have learned that if you allow negative people to stay around, your outlook will become negative. 

Gratitude-“At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person.  Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lightened the flame within us.” Albert Schweitzer

I am grateful for those who inspired and encouraged me when I felt like giving up. I am also grateful for those who saw potential in me as I was growing up, and for those who never gave up on me.

These are just a few of my favorites. I will be reviewing my 2018 goals and sharing what I will be focusing on in 2019 in part two. 

What are some of your favorite moments and/or obstacles you overcame in 2018?

4 thoughts on “My Year in Review-2018

  1. Aimie

    Lovely little read ❤️

    1. Randa B.

      Thank you! Thanks for responding.


      Randa B.

  2. Jenn

    I love this post! It’s so interesting to look back and see how much we’ve overcome or accomplished. Especially when we are in the moment we get too caught up in the things pulling us down and stuff. In 2018 I ended up getting a raise at work and I finally took the leap and started my blog.

    1. Randa B.

      I agree! Congrats on your raise and taking that leap to start your blog. It’s an amazing feeling to take that step. May you have much success on your journey. Thank you for responding.


      Randa B.

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