Book Reviews Randa B.  

My Pocket Chakra Healing-Book Review

My Pocket Chakra Healing-Anytime Exercises to Unblock, Balance, and Strengthen Your Chakras By Heidi E. Spear

Thank you Mary with Simon and Schuster for the opportunity to review this book. My opinion of this book is my own. 


Chakras provide us with different sources of energy to keep us balanced. As defined by Spear, chakras origin is Sanskrit and means wheel or disc. “They are vortices of energy that spin as glowing wheels of light inside you.”

There are seven major chakras:

  1. The Root Chakra
  2. The Sacral Chakra
  3. The Solar Plexus Chakra
  4. The Heart Chakra
  5. The Throat Chakra
  6. The Third Eye Chakra
  7. The Grown Chakra

Spear explains each chakra and their meaning in detail.  She discusses chakra healing on all levels.

“Universal Energy is the energy that creates life.  The sun, water, and all living beings are made of energy.  Therefore, all things communicate and affect each other.  Your thoughts are energy, and they affect the path of your life and the makeup of your body, the basic units which are atoms, or energy. “

The book also discusses how to balance the chakras through yoga, aromatherapy, and others. 

If you feel you are unbalanced, then learning about balancing and strengthening chakras may be worth learning about. 

My Thoughts

I have been interested in learning chakras for some time now, and this book is a nice way to be introduced to chakras.  Spear does a great job of explaining and detailing in ways you understand.  She provides many ways to practice balancing your chakras.  I am glad that I had the opportunity to review this book and will use this on my journey of educated myself on chakras as I learn to balance my energy. 

About the Author (from Book)

Heidi E. Spear is an author and teacher who leads workshops on creative expression, yoga, meditation, energy healing, stress relief, the yoga of Shakespeare, and the Law of Attraction.  She has graduate degrees in comparative literature and the arts from Washington University in St. Louis and New York University.  Her audio meditation, Universe, is available on iTunes. Visit

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