Inspirational Quotes Randa B.  

My Favorite Quotes from Health Week 2


My favorite quotes from week two are the two dealing with mental health. With recent news of suicide deaths, it is a reminder of how much mental health is still overlooked and stigmatized. Yes more resources are available, but has society’s view on mental health changed? In my opinion it has, but we still have a long way to go. Some people with a mental illness are still reluctant to seek out the help they need or they may not know the resources available in their communities. In the past, and it may still be happening now, mental health was never discussed. It was not seen as a serious issue, and if it was families did not know how to help or how to locate resources. We should all see now that it is a serious and an important issue.

In some minority cultures/communities mental health was considered evil and people were told to pray. Prayer does work, but with mental health we need to let our prayers lead us to the help we may need. I believe that we have to be open to discussing mental health in our families and communities. A person with a mental illness should not have to feel that seeking help would be detrimental to their career or be ashamed. He or she should not be an outcast, made fun of, or not be able to receive the counseling and/or medication he/she may need.

Mental health is not easy to understand. It’s not easy for those with a mental illness to deal with symptoms on a daily basis. The biggest way to help is to become educated on the different types of mental illnesses and be open and willing to spread awareness and advocate for those needing help. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. This has to be an ongoing conversation within the community.

I have been in the substance abuse/mental health field for over five years now and I learn something new all the time. I am not a psychiatrist, psychologist, or licensed professional counselor so I do not diagnose or provide mental health counseling. I am a certified vocational rehabilitation counselor working with people with disabilities find employment, and my educational background is in this area. I have personally experienced a form of depression and had to admit what I was going through. It was not easy to admit to myself or tell others. Yes, I was even told to pray as I mentioned above. Which I did, but I also knew that something else was going on inside my mind that I needed to pay attention to. I am also aware of the resources I have available to me if I should need more assistance in the future.

I want to do my part in spreading awareness and providing resources for those who may not be familiar with mental illnesses or the resources available. I want to keep the conversation going.

I am going to do a series of posts on different types of mental illnesses, stigmas of mental illness, ways to support, and self-care for mental health professionals. I hope that you will gain some insight from the posts and start your own conversations.

Thanks for letting me share and remember to Be Positive. Be Blessed. Be a Blessing.

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