Inspirational Quotes Randa B.  

My Favorite Quote from Positive Week 1

I love this quote because I strive to do this everyday, but I will be honest it is has been a struggle lately. I have always been an optimistic positive person, but as I keep living and life continues to throw those curveballs at me, my sunny disposition is becoming a little cloudier. That’s life right, we all have those moments, those days, those years.

This has been a struggle for me because as I shared in my first Working on Me post, I have recently come out of a rough time in my life. I’m regaining my outlook on life, striving to get my confidence back and working through the rebuilding multiple areas in my life. When you have your personal issues going on, and then have to deal with work issues-maybe coworkers or clients/customers who may be difficult just adds to that feeling, right?!? Then you have to go back home and try to be positive with your family. Anytime I feel like this, it just makes me question my whole entire life: Like can I even keep doing this, will it ever get better, do I need a new career, am I burnt out on everything in my life?

In order for me to make it through the day and remain positive, I have to start my day off positive and if anything starts to frustrate I turn to a positive source. I start my day with a prayer and love on my baby girl while getting her ready for daycare. On my way to work I feed my spirit with music I can meditate on. When I’m at work and frustration sets in, I sometimes close my office door or put my headphones in and listen to music. I even have to go outside to step away for a while. I’ve started telling myself-keep smiling, do the best you can, help in ways you can and pray about everything else. As the quote says I am trying to get better, so I will keep striving to have a fresh, renewed positive attitude daily.

How do you remain positive on a daily basis?


Here are some articles on being positive:

10 Simple Habits To Grow A Positive Attitude

How to Maintain Positive Vibes During Tough Times

10 Affirmations To Stay Positive When Life Is Not Going to Plan

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