Lovin’ My Leena Intro
Let me introduce you all to my heartbeat.
She is definitely my world and gives me a reason to live each day. Her smile is contagious, her hugs are calming, her personality is big, and her determination is inspiring.
I will be doing a post more about my pregnancy journey and baby girl’s development soon, but I just could not wait to tell you all about her. Her name is MyLeena. I always loved the name Lena and I just added the ‘My’ because of my name. Her name means sun ray in Greek origin.

She has recently reached the milestone of walking at 17 months. My determined baby girl did it on her own time and with prayers. Her doctor was worried about her not walking at her 15-month check-up, but since she was born two months early she gave her two extra months. Lovin’ My Leena will be about our growth and journey together, and any adventures we go on will be Adventures with Leena.
We did start early intervention services to assist with develop and catch any issues that may arise. Early intervention services are provided free in my state until the age of 3 and that is truly a blessing.
Here are some fun facts about Leena:

She loves music! Her favorite song is Zedd- The Middle
She gets so excited when this song plays.
Her favorite word is PawPaw. She adores her PawPaw. She wakes up in the morning asking for him. She hears the door chime and says “PawPaw”.
Other words she knows: Dada, Mama, Oh Oh, No, Book, Ball, Up, Wet, Pee Pee, Poop, Thank You, Ice Cream, Cookie, Hi, Bye, Hey, Eat, WaWa (water)
She loves to talk and fuss like she’s grown.

Loves to eat: Bananas, Salad, Chicken, Prunes, Beans, Bread, Crackers, Cheetos Puffs, Peaches, Grapes, Watermelon, Applesauce, Mac n Cheese
She did love green beans when she was a baby, but now not so much.
TV Shows: Sesame Street, Dinosaur Train, Splash and Bubbles (of course when she pays attention lol)
Activities: Playing, loves toys that make noise and sing
Books we are reading:

I am so glad I was able to share Leena with you. Stay tune for more Lovin’ My Leena.
The mother/child bond is like no other . Loved getting to know your heartbeat ❤️
Randa B.
Yes the bond is very strong. Thank you for reading and commenting.