Local Back to School Drawing #1
Start Date: June 30, 2018
End date: July 13, 2018
Drawing Date: July 14, 2018
- Cannot be a family member/friend, but family and friends can enter someone into the drawing.
- Person entered must be in need
- Must have a child/children attending school
Additional Information:
- No subscription to blog required to refer someone or enter drawing
- No photos required of individual that will be selected, however a picture may be required of card being received or message that it was received.
- Prefer that person referring will be available to deliver the card if I am not able to.
How to Enter:
- Send the following information to the email inspiringtp@yahoo.com:
- Your Name or Person’s Name You are entering
- Name of Person who Recommended Person for the drawing, if not entering self
- School District
- Indicate whether or/not you are a family/friend of mine
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Thank you.