My Favorite Health Quote Week 3
When I read this quote, I thought of living a holistic life. It’s one that I am striving to have. If we want to grow, we have to make sure our mind, body, and soul are on the same path. We have to realize that if one part is off or broken, the others are affected. Have you ever been really stressed?!? Then you know exactly how it feels. This was me for the second half of 2016 and the beginning of 2017.
I remember when I was working on my Master’s degree and we were learning about different theories, and when we came to learning about holism, I was so intrigued. I chose some of my favorite theories that used this approach.
I want to further research holism and all that it entails. As I continue on my journey, I would like to share what I am learning. Let me start by defining what holistic health. Holistic health is a healthy mind, body, and spirit. According to Healers Library “holistic health reaches back to ancient times and ancient peoples looked at human health as a balanced combination of a healthy mind, body, heart, and spirit.”
Holism is “that parts of a whole are so intimately connected, they cannot exist independently nor can they be understood without reference to the whole”.
Now that we have the definition, I will continue on next post with the areas of holistic care.
Thanks for letting me share. Until next time Be Positive. Be Blessed. Be a Blessing.
Randa B.
Source:HolisticHealth-HealersLibrary.com. https://www.healerslibrary.com/holistic_health/