Quotes from Health Week 4

Hello Everyone, here are the health quotes for the fourth week of June. Daily quotes are posted to the Facebook and Instagram accounts. Be sure to follow for daily inspirations at FB: Inspiring Thru Positivity and Instagram: inspiringtp. You can also sign up for daily emails at inspringtp@yahoo.com or on here. Thank you all and be blessed!!

Back to School Drawing

    The next community assistance is happening soon. There will be two drawings coming up for assistance with back to school purchases. The drawings are open to Oklahoma City and surrounding areas. I will expand once a PO Box is set up. This drawing is open to single parents/grandparents raising grandchildren who are in need. If you or someone […]

Quotes from Health Week 3

Hello Everyone, here are the health quotes for the third week of June. Daily quotes are posted to the Facebook and Instagram accounts. Be sure to follow for daily inspirations at FB: Inspiring Thru Positivity and Instagram: inspiringtp. You can also sign up for daily emails at inspringtp@yahoo.com or on here. Thank you all and be blessed!!

Updates for Blog June 2018

    My word for 2018 is Consistent. Being open to growth is part of being consistent to me. So as I am growing, I’m working on developing the blog. I plan to expand, revamp, reorganize, giving more time, and walking in faith to reach out to more people. So here’s what’s going on: 1. Working on Logo-I have put […]

Health Quotes Week 2

Hello Everyone, here are the health quotes for the second week of June. Daily quotes are posted to the Facebook and Instagram accounts. Be sure to follow for daily inspirations at FB: Inspiring Thru Positivity and Instagram: inspiringtp. You can also sign up for daily emails at inspringtp@yahoo.com or on here. Thank you all and be blessed!!  

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