Lovin' My Leena Randa B.  

Adventures with Leena 3-Summer Zoo Trip

We took Leena on her first visit to the OKC Zoo.  My mom and I had not been in awhile either.  We thought we were going after the summer rush-NOT! Nonetheless we still had a good time. We made in time to beat the heat some, but towards the afternoon we were beat and was ready to go.  I was definitely feeling the animals wanting to be in the shade. Hopefully, one of these days we will get to see all the animals in their natural habitat. 

We bought our tickets and of course the flowers at the entrance caught my eye.

We did a lot of walking and made a stop at the waterfall.

We continued our walk and went to some of the inside buildings.

Our last track was to see the elephants.  I warned my mom the long walk to see the elephants, and after that she was like “I am ready to go!”

We have more pictures to share from those I took with my camera and I will update them in the post.  We plan to return in the Fall. I did not make it to the butterfly garden, but I plan to the next visit.   

1 Comment

  1. Sharon

    I adore the zoo!!! This one looks amazing!!!!

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